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I used your insanely adorable frog for my first game jam entry.

Bloato - A Game About Moderation

I couldn't stop laughing at how cute it was as I was working on it this past week. The theme was "Unintended Consequences" and a big inspiration for the mechanics came from No-Face from Spirited Away.

It's hard to get everything done in 6 days for a jam, but this lil' froggo had such character and it was a ton of fun to add the tongue mechanics to him!

Thanks for your work!

Really cute. Love it.

Amazing. Thoughts on a brownish, tan rain frog style color?

I love that idea! Lil rain frog coming soon 

love the rain frog!!! :D

I’m literally just beginning my journey so it’s not much, but I’ve made ferg move! Thank you for creating such a cutie and for allowing me to use their highness.